Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Love, Honor & Cherish

I was listening to Dr. Laura on the radio the other day and she was talking to a woman whos husband had an affair. Dr. Laura pointed out that yes the husband had broken the wedding vows but the woman for several year had also broken the wedding vow by not Love, Honoring or Cherishing her husband.

I do not for one fraction of a second fear David having an affair. But it made me stop and think. Yes, I Love and Cherish him with all my heart. But how do I honor him? I asked him if I honored him and how? He mentioned obedience..... Whoa let me stop you before you get upset.....I knew what he meant, he does not demand my obedience of him. David however is the head of our home and leads us with love, "as Christ loves the Church." We discussed this for a while but I still didn't feel I had a good grasp on how to honor my husband even though he assured me that I do. This morning I read a blog where a woman is taking a 30 day challenge to honor her husband each and every day. The one thing I got from the portion that I read was doing something special for him each day. My first thought was yay! I do this ...easy, I'm off the hook! But, I think God had me read on for a reason, I wasn't off the hook. This woman was talking about how she knew her husband loved her even if she had put on some weight but she didn't like herself. (Yikes, thats me.) God really opened my eyes that to honor also involves sacrifice. I don't want to get up early to go exercise. Hmmm does The Bible say that "Obedience is better than sacrifice." Yes, but for me to honor David I'm going to need to sacrifice some of my time, and by doing so I'm being obedient to God and David by taking care of my body. I will do it! I want to be a wife that David is proud of at all times, I want to honor him.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Menu Planning & New Recipes

I Love Cooking! If you know me at all you probably know this. I love trying new recipes and experimenting with old favorites. I use to jokingly say that cooking was my therapy. There is probably a lot of truth in that statement. Cooking help me to feel creative and productive. I relax and process the days experiences while cooking. I have been cooking since I was around 8 yrs old (that is cooking solo) at 2yrs of age my mother was very sick, so Dad would sit me on the edge of the counter and we'd fix dinner together.

Last month I was reading about ways to save money and cut expenses. One suggestion was grocery shop once a month, WHAT! okay they say you can start out by shopping just once a week until your ready to take that bigger step. That is somewhat better. I have always been one to make short quick trips 3-4 times a week. This book suggested planning monthly or weekly menus and shopping list from those menus. I was concerned that this would greatly stifle my creative juices. I did not want to be stuck in a rut, bored and end up saving money but disliking cooking.

Suprise I'm really enjoying it. I think I spend less time in the kitchen which is a good think this time of year with yard and garden work that needs to be done. I'm trying all of those recipes that I thought sounded good but never go around to trying. I think David is enjoying this aswell. He often ask, "Oh, are we having _______ tonight!?"

Here are some of my menus that I have whipped up over the last few weeks.

BBQ Pork Sandwiches w/ Green beans
Swiss Steak, Mashed potatoes & Chili cheese corn
Spagehetti & Salad
Homemade Pizza
Baked Potatoes w/ Broccoli & Cheese
Baked Salmon w/ Asparagus
Steak & onions w/ potatoes & Salad
Steak (leftover & sliced) Quesidillas
Taco Salad
Chicken Dijon W/ sugar snap peas
Roast w/ homemade egg noodles & Green beans
Tuna burgers
Korean BBQ brown rice & Stir fry veggies
Sausage, Kale & Cheddar bread pudding
Ham & Beans
Homemade Mac & Cheese

Every Wednesday night is our Mustgo night - everything in the fridge must go. Also know as leftover night. I have never figured out how to cook small amounts. I grew up in a family of 5 but we almost always had extended family or friends joining us. So I cook as thought there are at least 4 of us instead of just the two. This gives David plenty of leftovers for his second breakfast, 11:00'es, lunch, 1:00'es & 2:00'es, right before bed fridge raids. How does he eat all the time and not gain an ounce??? That is the subject for another blog!

Looking forward to more fun and creative meals in the future. But for now I must go for a hike or bike ride to burn off some of these calories.

Monday, June 1, 2009

More than I could ever hope for

Some friends (that live further south - a bit warmer climate) gave us a couple bags of walnuts. I eagerly started cracking the english walnuts and baking bread. Last week I annouced that I wanted to plant English walnut trees on our little farm. We started calling nurseries and researching on line. I was starting to get a bit discouraged that we might not get walnut trees to grow here in a colder climate and if we could, could we afford them at $85 a tree and you need two for pollination.

Saturday David & I went garage saling. As we walked up to one house He said, Look! this is an English walnut tree. It was in this ladies front yard and it was big and beautiful, very full canopy/ lacy cover. I jokingly said wonder how much they want for it.

We found a couple little item we wanted to purchase from the sale, as David was paying he jokingly asked the lady, "My wife wants to know how much you want for your English Walnut tree." She didn't bat an eye and said, "I have several young tree would you like some."

We dug up 6 young starts for FREE!!!!! plus they are climatized to this area. Thats over a $500 dollar value and she has another larger tree she said we could come get in the fall or spring when its dormate, and that we could come this fall an collect nuts from her tree. WOW!!! Oh and we got a 5 ft maple and some little hens and chicks (the plant)

God is so good! He knows our desires and blesses us above and beyond all we could ever hope for.

MORE BLESSINGS: Update! I just found out that the irrigation pipes that we bought come withthe risers and rain birds attached. We thought we were only getting pipe at $50 apiece vs the store pipe at $100 apiece. We thought we would have to purchase the risers and rainbirds seperately. WOW Bargain blessings!!!!