Friday, September 17, 2010

Speaking the Truth in Love

Last night we had Mormon Missionaries come visit us. I have to be honest my first thought when I saw them pull in the drive was 'Oh no, how can I get rid of them quickly. I'm far to busy for this.' Then the very next thoughts were, 'No, I just taught a lesson last week about speaking the truth in Love .....and we had just attended a concert the night before with four ex-LDS Missionaries shared their testimonies about how they came to Christ through a Christian Pastor respectfully speaking the truth in love to them." I knew that I had to graciously welcome them and listen to them.

The reason I say I needed to listen to them is I believe as a Christian I need to earn the right to be heard. What I mean by that is I show sincere respect and listen to what they have to share first then when they ask what I think, I have earned the right to share what I believe.

In the past my main goal has been to plant a seed of doubt. Which I still believe can be effective in challenging the missionary to search out and find God's truth. Just maybe no my first plan of action. This time I plan to simply try to show respect and God's compassion and love for them and pray that they see it as being different.

They are coming back next Tuesday at 7:00pm. Pray that God will give David & I his Love and Grace along with clear thoughts and speech.

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