All last week I wanted to write a blog but couldn't for the life of me think of amything to write about. Every time I'd sit down at the computer my mind would go completely blank. I have never been accused of being a great thinker, but come on, a whole week of fogging thinking.
Yesterday these thought started come to me, suprisingly it was during the time I had a terribly sick headache that made thinking about anything very difficult.
I slipped into one of the Adult Sunday School Classes and they were studying psalm 86. Verse 11b reads, "Give me an undivided mind to fear your name." My first thought was about my work at the group home for men with schizophrenia. Being focused and attentive is a key skill they have to work on all the time. Having a divided mind is huge part of their problem.
Later yesterday afternoon my husband David was reading a quote to me from a book that he is reading. (this is my paraphrased version since I don't have the book here to quote from directly)
"The easiest thing in the world to do is think." "The hardest thing in the world to do is to think well."
Wow is that ever true! Again, one of my guys at the group home has been struggling with just letting his mind wonder in the past, to the future and even into never, never land... but rarely is he in the "now" dealing with his life as it really is. Don't just think, think well!
Because of my headache yesterday I struggled to think well. During worship I so wanted to not only hear Rob's sermon but I was trying to take God's word and lay it along side my life in order to compare the two and see where I fell short. I believe that anytime we apply God's word to
areas of our life that the Holy Spirit illuminates we are thinking well. Don't just think,think well!
David was telling me this morning that he was praying and trying to think on the Goodness of God and before he knew it he was off in Japan, then he'd come back to this attribute of God and be off planning the back yard and garden. He commented how disapointed he was in the short amount of time he was able to stay focused on God. Don't just think, think well!
David and I often joked about being an ADD cheif, ADD shopping, ADD cleaning, aka: multitasking. The problem with these are though there is a lot of activity and it may at first appear as though a lot is being accomplished nothing gets our full attention, our best effort, and often is never finished. Don't just think, think well!
Father, I don't want to simple think, I want to THINK WELL! Help me keep my mind steadfast on You! On you word meditate day and night.
Very good reminder... I am adding a post-it to my computer screen to remind me "Don't just think, think well!!"